About dates-n-mates

Learn more about the organisation and our team

dates-n-mates Promo Video

Meet The Team


John-Paul Moffat

Hello, my name is John Paul and I have been working as a Director with dates-n-mates since May 2008. I applied for the job of Director because I wanted a new challenge and it sounded like fun.


Holly Millar

Hi there, I am Holly, one of the Directors of dates-n-mates. I started in May 2008. I am particularly interested in the social events and wanting to get involved in planning or organising.

Michael Bennetton

Michael Bennetton

Hi there I am Michael Bennetton the Fundraising Director for dates-n-mates. I joined in September 2014 and I am enjoying taking on new challenges. I enjoy attending the events and look forward to meeting you.


Stacey Murray

Hi! My name is Stacey and I work part time for dates-n-mates. I work on marketing and PR and I help to arrange and attend the events.


Molly Tavella

Hi, I’m Molly. I work in the office and deal with membership and help to support our volunteers. I also help out at some of our events.

Lesley Miller

Hello!  I’m Lesley, the Project and Volunteer Development Co-ordinator in the dates-n-mates Glasgow team. My job is to make sure dates-n-mates is meeting the needs of our members and to develop volunteering for both dnm and C-Change Scotland.