Virtual Events by dates-n-mates

As many of you know, all our events have been cancelled/postponed due to the Coronavirus. None of us in the UK are allowed to go out socialising at the moment.

However, it will take a lot more than the Coronavirus to keep the dates-n-mates team down, so we are putting together a programme of “virtual” events to keep everyone connected, entertained and their spirits up!

All branch Facebook pages and groups are filled daily with fun activities, positive thoughts, chatty posts and more! We will also hold regular national virtual events on Zoom (a video call website) hosted by one of 4 staff members who are taking the lead on this (Louise, Janie, Stacey and John Paul). Information for joining the virtual events are shared in the dates-n-mates Facebook groups! These events are for all members from any branch and others in the learning disability community.

We understand many of our members do not use the internet, so we are also regularly making phone calls to some of them to stay in touch too. Our members are always our first priority and we are ensuring we adapt to this situation to still provide members with what we can!

If you would like more information on our virtual events please contact [email protected]

Dates-n-mates Renfrewshire Facebook Group click here

Stay home, stay safe… but stay connected!