Member Interview: Richard

We asked dates-n-mates Aberdeen member, Richard, a few quick questions to share his thoughts on lockdown life.

How are you feeling during this time of staying at home?

The main thing I am feeling just now, is boredom!

How have you been keeping yourself entertained and are you staying involved with dates-n-mates?

Yes, I have taken part in some of the dates-n-mates zoom chats.

I have also been talking with a lot of my other friends and giving my mum a helping hand with the shopping and taking the dog out for walks on odd occasions.

Do you have any advice you would like to share with others during this time?

Just try and focus on the positive side of things and look forward to having fun for when we all get out of the of lockdown

Thanks so much to Richard for sharing his thoughts…

Keep an eye out for more member stories and interviews soon!